July 2017 Vol. MMXVII Issue 8
Helluva Chaplain's Corner 
Hiking Jacks River Trail in the Cohutta Wilderness and celebrating Mass by the river.
Dear GT Alumni, Parents, and Friends,
I have mixed feelings about summer. While I enjoy the break and the time to travel, take and lead retreats, and just rest from the hectic schedule of the normal school year, I must admit that there comes a point in the summer when I just want all the students back. I hit that point a while ago, and I am ready for students to return!
The Catholic Center has been pretty quiet, but we have been hard at work. Our Orientation team is meeting new students as they come to campus for FASET. Our Welcome Week team and the CSO Board are busily preparing for the beginning of August, and we are working on scheduling events and booking speakers. Before we know it, the students will be back and it will be full steam ahead.
I hope you enjoy hearing about some of the goings on at the Catholic Center contained in this newsletter. We look forward especially to Welcome Week and to seeing parents and students on Freshman move-in day at our open house on August 17th. Please pray that our upcoming year will be a success...we have some surprises in store that I can't wait to announce! And as always, please let us know if we can do anything for you.
God Bless,

Holy Week at the Catholic Center
Terrence Connors, ChemE '19
Holy Week has always been the most highly anticipated time of the year at the Catholic Center. From the solemn liturgies to the welcoming of our catechumens into the Church at the Easter Vigil and everything in between, it is truly a special time. Our Easter Vigil, in addition to our other Holy Week liturgies and events, was attended by over 350 students, parents, alumni, Georgia Tech faculty, visiting high schoolers and missionaries, and Atlanta-area Catholics alike, maxing out our humble Sanctuary's capacity each evening with overflow into our main foyer. Confessions were offered every day during the week, with students and visitors lining up around the perimeter of our Sanctu  ary, prompting all three of our visiting con-celebrants to begin hearing confessions! We also had nearly 100 people participate in our Stations of the Cross and The Passion of the Christ viewing, along with numerous students who committed themselves to praying the Divine Office throughout the week in our Adoration chapel. These beautiful opportunities and celebrations wouldn't have been possible without the help of so many incredible people. We thank Fr. Josh first and foremost, for his dedication to the CC community and its ministry. We'd also like to thank all those members of the GTCC Schola, Holy Week Team, flower donors, and community volunteers for the gift of their time in making this week truly transformative for all who participated. The joy of Easter was all the more real and alive at the Catholic Center because of the efforts and preparations of so many. We are so thankful for the opportunities we have here at the Catholic Center, and we are all looking forward to our next Holy Week and Easter celebrations!
Pictured: Fr. Josh washing the feet of
Thomas Gaines with the assistance of
Grant Aasen, Altar Server.
Church Welcomes 20 at Easter Vigil
Anthony Haskin, HTS '16
The RCIA program at the Catholic Center had a whopping 20 people receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil this year, including five baptisms! This was the biggest RCIA class the CC has ever had. As a sponsor for one of the confirmed, it was so awesome to watch these young souls grow in their knowledge and love for the faith over the weeks of preparation. So many of them were eager to learn and not afraid to ask tough and insightful questions. Thankfully, we had a fantastic group of knowledgeable instructors ready to help and present topics week after week. The time that these students and alumni took out of their busy schedules in order to teach is amazing. I know that the RCIA candidates really appreciated it, and many were especially impressed with the classes on the Eucharist and confession.

Fr. Josh with RCIA Sponsors and Candidates after the Easter Vigil Mass.
The RCIA process of classes, small groups and a retreat culminated on the night of the Easter Vigil. I was serving the altar, so I had prime viewing of the candidates and catechumens in the front row. It was truly a sight to behold, as they were all either beaming with joy or reverent before the Lord. After a long series of baptisms, confirmations, and first communions amidst one of the most beautiful liturgies I have ever attended, we gathered with our 20 new Catholics for pictures and celebrations. There was so much rejoicing for our brothers and sisters. The Catholic Center is rightfully very proud of the newly confirmed Catholics it is sending into the world. They will make truly great soldiers of Christ as they continue His mission here on earth.
GTCC Hosts Second Annual
Donor Appreciation Brunch
Alberto Sainz de la Peña, ID '18
Fr. Josh speaking to all the students and guests
The annual Donor Brunch at the Georgia Tech Catholic Center was a delicious success! Rainy weather could not stop a wonderful afternoon at the GTCC. Donors and friends of the Catholic Center attended the 11:30am Sunday mass, during which they experienced the wonderful 11:30am choir and the beautifully-decorated Easter altar. After mass, they were treated to a reception and an amazing feast of savory and sweet. The lobby of the Catholic Center was abuzz as alumni reconnected and donors met with the Catholic Center staff, FOCUS missionaries, Fr. Josh, and the board the members of the CSO. Fr. Josh and CSO President Alberto Sainz de la Peña gave speeches, speaking about the wonderful growth in religious vocations at the GTCC, as well as some of the highlights of the CSO programs, trips, and events in the 2016-2017 school year. We are deeply grateful for all our wonderful benefactors who make this campus ministry possible!
Chris Larkins, IE '20 mingling with donors Joseph Riefenberger, AE '17 and one of our donors
Alumni Spotlight
Joey Martineck, CE '12
Written by Patty Schmitt, IM '88
If you haven’t already heard of “Garden,” a new musical production and adaptation of the Book of Genesis, you surely will soon. The musical premiered at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans back in March to rave reviews and enthusiastic crowds. It’s an innovative interpretation of the story of the Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
 “Garden” is the brainchild of GTCC alumnus and Notre Dame Seminarian, Joey Martineck. Joey graduated in 2012 with a degree in Computer Engineering, but his real passion lies in glorifying God through the Arts. Always drawn to music and drama, the idea for “Garden” came to him suddenly through his involvement with Theology of the Body as an instructor and advocate. Joey wrote and directed the play in conjunction with Dumb Ox Ministries, and features the music of Greg&Lizzy. “As a writer, your hope is to positively impact as many people as possible with your work,” says Joey. That it did. The world premiere reached more than 1600 audience members. “I feel like it’s given me a deeper understanding of the creation story and the depth of God’s love for us” said one viewer. Another one said “It was stupendous, jaw-dropping, incredible in the full sense of the word.” Through Dumb Ox Ministries, “Garden” is now poised to reach thousands with a message of hope. Plans are underway for licensing and larger theatre runs as well as community and high school theatre performances.
The play’s debut was made possible through the generosity of volunteers and donors who believed in the mission of the performance. One of those volunteers was Kyle Simonis, another GTCC alumnus and Notre Dame Seminarian, who served as Technical Director in this production. The Catholic Center is proud of our alums, Joey and Kyle, and wish them success bringing “Garden” to the rest of the world! For more information visit www.dumboxministries.com/garden.
So Long Seniors!
Alberto Sainz de la Peña, ID '18

Pictured: Clare Botti '17; Ashley Wilford '18
The GTCC Class of 2017 was sent off with a bang! Over 30 graduates came to celebrate with their friends at the Spring Graduation Party and enjoy delicious lasagna and cake. Fellow students wrote the graduates cards of congratulations, and a fun time was had by all! Best wishes graduates, we will miss you and be praying for you!

The 2016-2017 graduates at their last home game of the fall 2016 football season.
GTCC Highlights of 2016-17
Thanks to Kathy Cabezas CE '18, Student Board Secretary, we have a fun video to share with you highlighting some of the events and happenings at the Catholic Center. It was a tremendous year and we would like to thank our awesome students and generous benefactors who keep the Catholic Center alive. We are forever grateful!
Development Update
Patty Schmitt, Development Director, IM'88
We had a fantastic response to our Spring Appeal. Through the end of May, we are at 97% of our fundraising goal and we’re well positioned to meet it by the end of our fiscal year in June. We are deeply grateful for the financial support of our donors! Parents, if you’re on campus on Move-In Day on August 17th, please stop by the Catholic Center for a visit. We’re hosting an Open House throughout the day. Refreshments will be served. Once again, thank you for supporting the CC! You are in our thoughts and prayers always!
Fall 2017 Welcome Week - Sneak Peek
August 17 - Open House for Freshmen & Parents
August 18 - Freshmen Events: Midnight Breakfast
August 19 - Welcome Back Bonfire
August 26 - Music and Mocktails