November 2016 Vol. MMXVI Issue 5
Helluva Chaplain's Corner
Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! We are just beginning the holiday season, and we are in the middle of the crazy here at the Georgia Tech Catholic Center. In this newsletter, you'll read about our wonderful Homecoming events, the Fall Retreat we just completed at Camp Hidden Lake in Dahlonega, GA, our 3-day mission with Matt Fradd and so much more. It's so difficult to measure how an apostolate is growing, but as I look around and see Mass numbers growing, the participation in FOCUS Bible Studies growing, and outstanding interest in our upcoming events like SEEK (one of the largest conferences for Christian College Students in the world), the March for Life 2017, and our Spring Break Mission Trip to Peru, I cannot help but affirm that God is indeed working hard at Georgia Tech, and the students are responding!
In the aftermath of the devastating hurricane which has further exacerbated the suffering of already-beleaguered Haiti, we asked our students to make contributions in a special collection to assist our brothers and sisters in need. I am pleased to announce we raised $2,083.98, which is pretty amazing for poor college students. Thanks to all who contributed!
If you have not seen our Annual Report, that means we don't have a mailing address for you. The online copy can be found HERE. Check out all the wondrous work God is doing on 4th Street!
To Hell With georgia,
Fr. Josh
Matt Fradd at the GTCC:
Finding Beauty in a Broken World
Elizabeth Waters, ME’16
On November 8-10, the GTCC hosted Matt Fradd, renowned Catholic apologist and speaker, in a 3-day event titled “Finding Beauty in a Broken World.” The title stemmed from the fact that, as college students, we are constantly bombarded with spiritual, ideological and moral attacks in the brokenness that is our world. We often feel God distant or hard to find in the assailment of falsehoods. Matt reminded us that God is ultimately the source of life and beauty, pointing us in the direction of Truth. We began each night with dinner, then Matt’s presentation followed by group discussion, and ended with dessert to keep the conversation going. On the final night, about 150 students stayed for Adoration. We were blown away by the attendance and response to the event: Each night we averaged 200 people from our community and beyond, with at least 100 coming early for dinner and about 100 staying late every single night. It was of the most beautiful displays of a community united in prayer. The event was nothing short of remarkable, both in numbers and in the impact that we’re already feeling at the Catholic Center.
Georgia Tech Homecoming 2016
Alicia Robang, ChBE '19
The Catholic Student Organization had a blast during this year's Homecoming! Student representatives fought it out against other organizations in time-old Homecoming events such as Chalking, Team Buzz, Iron Buzz, Stands, Talent Show, Egg Toss and the crowd-favorite, the Mini-500. We even placed 2nd in Tech Trivia, after the Ramblin' Reck Club! Overall, it was a weekend of healthy competition, tradition and fellowship with GTCC friends and family.
Fall Retreat at Hidden Lake
Amanda Foutch, BME ‘16

The weekend of November 4th, 30 students traveled from campus to Camp Hidden Lake near Dahlonega, GA to take a break from campus life and spend time in community with each other and time in prayer with God. We carpooled to Camp after class on Friday night where Father Josh celebrated Mass and the students, Camp missionaries, and Father Josh enjoyed a bonfire and s’mores. Saturday was dedicated to prayer and we had the opportunity to listen to 3 talks by Father Josh on the Ecumenical Councils of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, as well as attend Mass, spiritual direction, confession, and adoration. In addition to the talks and sacraments, we had ample time for prayer and reflection. Saturday was a day of silence for us students, barring confession and spiritual direction. We were excited and grateful to be able to spread out and enjoy the beautiful landscape while praying and reflecting on God’s love and council. Silencing ended on Sunday morning after Mass. Students were able to spend time together in small groups to discuss Saturday’s events and share stories and fruits of their prayers and reflections. We headed back to school refreshed and convicted to continue to dive into God’s grace, mercy, and love!

Update on the
Burning Furnace of Charity
(Status of our HVAC system)
Little did we know that when we began reciting the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus each day before Mass to celebrate the Year of Mercy that we would be so literally blessed. The Heart of Jesus, Burning Furnace of Charity, really poured out its abundance upon us! Fortunately, we have found a temporary fix (which will last a year at max) for our HVAC in the chapel. That said, the units are 31 years old and had a useful life of 20 years. We are thrilled they lasted so long, but it is now time to replace them. To those of you who have contributed to the Burning Furnace of Charity Fund, about $10,000 has gone to our "temporary fix," and we are in the process of getting comprehensive quotations for the complete replacement of all units in the building. If you are interested in making a contribution to the Burning Furnace Fund, please click HERE. And be careful when you pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart.
GTCC Annual Appeal
Patty Schmitt, Development Director, IM'88

Our Annual Appeal is in full swing and once again we ask for your prayerful and financial support. Your donations are crucial in helping us keep our doors open and our ministry alive. As many of you know, the Georgia Tech Catholic Center is 100% self-funded. The cost of running the GTCC for a day is approximately $1,000. Please consider making an on-line donation in this amount or any amount here. We are deeply grateful for your support! Don't forget we are here for you too. Please contact us if you have a specific prayer intention or a need we can help you with. God bless you!
Employer Matching Gifts Programs
Double or triple the impact of your donation!
Hundreds of companies across the country encourage employees to contribute to their favorite charitable organizations by matching dollar for dollar the amount of your gift. Some will even double or triple the amount. We encourage you to inquire about this program at your place of employment. If they require a Federal Tax ID number, please use 45-3659617. Questions? Email Patty Schmitt, Development Director, at pschmitt@gtcatholic.org. Thank you for supporting the GTCC!
Upcoming Events
November 24 - Thanksgiving Dinner
November 26 - GT Football at Georgia
January 26-28 - March for Life 2017