February 2020 Vol. MMXIX Issue 17
Greetings from the GTCC!
It’s already been an eventful semester here at the Catholic Center, with so many highlights. Students had a wonderful experience at the March For Life in Washington DC and our In-House weekend retreat was a huge success. The Knights of Columbus hosted a lovely Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance, and the Greek community participated in a Service Night at the CC with more involvement than we’ve had before. We held our second evening of Spanish mass and dinner, working to build up the Catholic community for those from Latin American countries. This weekend, we have twelve men joining us for the Men's Discernment Retreat at Covecrest. We're preparing our first Donor Trivia Night and and our RCIA Retreat next weekend. RCIA, bible studies, and our faith formation lectures and events are all in full swing. In all of these events, our desire has been to help the students to grow in awareness of Christ present in their circumstances, and help them to become the Catholic men and women they were made to be, on campus and off. You are always welcome to join us for daily adoration, confession and mass, or just to stop by.
Thank you for your support of the wonderful students at the Georgia Tech Catholic Center. Enjoy this edition of The Good Word and I hope to see you at Donor Trivia Night.

Fr. Branson Hipp
March For Life 2020
Kate Schaffer, CS '20, CSO Treasurer
This January, I had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. for the March for Life along with over 40 other students from Georgia Tech and other colleges nearby. We left Atlanta on Thursday evening and arrived early Friday morning. Our first stop was Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was a beautiful Mass with standing room only, and as it was my first visit to the Shrine, I was particularly taken by the intricate mosaics and stained glass windows. During Mass, I was reminded of the dignity of each human person, regardless of how small, and our responsibility to stand up for those who are most vulnerable. This sentiment remained with me throughout the day. Our next stop after Mass was a quick breakfast, and then we headed over to the National Mall to attend the Rally. Once the Rally was over, we marched with thousands of others up Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court. As our group marched, I was struck by the number of people who were passionate about the right to life. There were so many people who expressed so much love for both women and their unborn children. When I came back to campus, I could see how the March strengthened my resolve to defend life, and it has remained important to me. I’m so grateful for the Catholic Center and the opportunity to participate in the March for Life.
- The CC would like to thank the Knights of Columbus from Holy Spirit Church for their generous donation which covered the bus transportation to Washington DC.
CC Hosts Second Annual In-House Retreat
Ric Dickens, FOCUS Missionary
On January 31st - February 2nd the Catholic Center hosted their annual in-house retreat that drew 72 students. The retreat, called ‘The Father’s House’ is a FOCUS national retreat that was led by the FOCUS missionaries at Georgia Tech. The purpose of the retreat is to have students consider their relationship with God the Father, and to come to a deeper trust that the Father is a good Father who loves them deeply.
On the retreat, there were five talks followed by a guided meditation that allowed students a plentiful amount of time for reflection and prayer. The talks and mediations stirred a lot of hearts with the students on the retreat, allowing for an abundance of God's mercy to be poured out upon the students. So much so, that we had over 40+ confessions heard amongst three Priests and around 20 students took the opportunity to be prayed over with prayer teams.
“While the amount of time we spent in silence and prayer seemed daunting at first, it was exactly the time God needed to open up and speak directly to my heart.” Maddie McDonald said, a second year at Georgia Tech. “I’m so glad I was pushed out of my comfort zone and into that sacred space, or I would’ve missed what He has been wanting to reveal to me.”
On Saturday evening the students also had the opportunity to receive a blessing from a Priest and have personal benediction - a powerful experience for many.
“I can more so see myself as a little kid sitting at the Father’s Dinner Table.” Gates Ledbetter said, a fourth year student at Georgia Tech. “The seat is always there for me.”
As the seat within the Father’s House awaits each one of these students, we continue to pray that this retreat led them one step closer to their place within the Father’s House.

Greek Service Night at the CC
On February 11th, Catholics and Christians from the Greek community were invited to participate in a service project making goodie bags for Atlanta's homeless. Over 40 students from several fraternities and sororities on campus gathered at the Catholic Center to write cards and assemble bags of snacks and toiletries to show our brothers and sisters in Christ that they are loved. Many will gather again to hand deliver the packages to those in need in the downtown area.
Congratulations to Harrison Butker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, former GT Yellow Jacket and GTCC alum on an amazing Superbowl win! We're proud of you! Go Jackets!

From the Develpoment Office
As of January, we're at 60% of our goal of $497,107. Our fiscal year ends in June and we hope to be able to close that gap. The CC is 100% self-funded, so we need your help! If you haven't already made a donation, please consider supporting our ministry now. Every dollar stays at the Catholic Center and is spent wisely. We are deeply grateful and humbled by your generosity and commitment to our ministry. You all are cherished members of our GTCC family and we pray for you and your intentions daily in our Mass and Rosary. Once again, thank you for supporting the Catholic Center!
Upcoming Events
Men's Discernment Retreat - Feb 21-23
RCIA Retreat - Feb 28-March 1
Ash Wednesday - Feb 26
40 Days for Life - begins Feb 26
Donor Trivia Night - Feb 29
Peru Mission Trip - March 13-20
Spring Break - March 16-20