
The Georgia Tech Catholic Center

The Georgia Tech Catholic Center has been a visible force on the Georgia Tech Campus for nearly 90 years.  We have been in our current location on 4th street, in the heart of the Georgia Tech campus, since 1985.  We boast of one of the most active centers in the United States.

The Mission of the Georgia Tech Catholic Center is to provide a community for Georgia Tech Students, Faculty, and Friends to encounter Christ in the Liturgy, the Sacraments, Formation and Discipleship, and Christian Service.  We strive to form intentional disciples of our Lord.  Because we are uniquely a center dedicated to the Georgia Tech community and most specifically students, we focus all of our energies on student engagement, formation, and catechesis.

We offer daily Mass, daily Confessions, and 4 Sunday Masses serving around 1000 students.  We have Eucharistic Adoration 12 hours a day.  We offer regular instruction in prayer, faith formation, and in Theology of the Body.  Our “Renew” nights provide an  opportunity for Praise and Worship with Adoration and guest speakers.  Encouraging community through community dinners, parties, dances, outings, and just plain old-fashioned “hanging out” provides students a home away from home.   We are happy to have FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) as a part of our programming and evangelization work.  Through FOCUS, we offered about 30 Bible Studies per year.

Here at Georgia Tech we have a history of forming priestly vocations. We are proud to have over 30 priests who are graduates.  Many are currently serving in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. We have many alumni currently in formation for the priesthood and religious life. We have yearly discernment retreats to which there is an average attendance of 15. 

The Catholic Students Organization (CSO) is a registered Georgia Tech student organization.  The CSO Board runs most of the day-to-day student activities at the Catholic Center and divides them into four pillars: Liturgy, Outreach, Community Life, and Faith Formation.

The Georgia Tech Catholic Center is primarily self-funded.  We receive some assistance from the Archdiocese of Atlanta for major capital repairs (i.e. roofing, plumbing).   For day to day operational expenses, activities, special or regular events, formation programs, retreats –  we rely entirely on the generosity of benefactors who provide the financial means to keep our doors open so that we can continue our work.

To our students, we are a home away from home and a retreat from the challenges of academic life at Georgia Tech. Through the Sacraments, fellowship, theological study, and spiritual direction, the Catholic Center is here to help them navigate through the challenging and vulnerable college years, as they seek to live a Christ-centered life at Tech and beyond.

Everyone is welcome!